You were looking for what now?

Another blog that I read occasionally puts up an article about the search terms people used to find the blog, along with the blog owners often baffled and always snarky response to those search terms. I look forward to these semi-regular posts because they never fail to make me laugh. But I didn’t think a similar article would work on my own blog. I mean, let’s face it. I’m just a little fish in a really big pond of romance writers. I didn’t think people were searching for my site at all. I assumed most visitors were following links from facebook, goodreads, twitter, or one of the many blogs who’ve been gracious enough to help me promote my books.  Besides, even if people were searching for my site I couldn’t imagine that the search terms they used to get here would be that unusual.

That is, until I actually looked at my site stats.

The vast majority confirmed my suspicions. Things like:

Nothing unexpected there. Then there were a few that were rather…perplexing.

  • www.liza name themes
  • www.liza school pictures not on facebook

I don’t know what either of those people were looking for but I’m pretty sure they didn’t find it here.

But, there among all the other search terms, there was one that really stood out for me. That really made me stop and consider it for a moment before finally deciding yes, whoever this person is, they are my people and they belong here on my blog.

beard tickling sex

It’s true. I am an admirer of beards. Vanessa North and I have had many a pervy beard discussion on twitter and skype. And, lucky for me, Mr. Gaines has a fantastic beard.

Mr. Gaines, giving me the evil eye because I was blinding him with the flash. But let's ignore that and talk about his amazing beard.

Mr. Gaines, giving me the evil eye because I was blinding him with the flash. But let’s ignore that and talk about his magnificent beard instead.

I think beards are sexy and, you know, if we’re being honest, they do tickle sometimes. So this search term makes perfect sense to me. It speaks to me.

But there is one thing that has me worried. To the best of my recollection, the only reference to beard tickling sex on this website is in the excerpt of Little Bird, when Savannah wonders if Lee’s beard might tickle.  It isn’t much, just a brief little thing, and I fear that someone searching for beard tickling sex will be disappointed by that meagre offering on a subject that undoubtedly deserves so much more.

So, to whoever it was who found me by using that search term, I apologize if you were disappointed in my contribution to the topic and I resolve to do better. You’re the kind of person I want hanging around and reading my dirty words. If you want more beard tickling sex, it is my duty to give it to you. (And I’d also suggest you follow me on twitter because that’s where the really dirty conversations happen.)

To the rest of you…there will be another installment of “You Were Looking for What Now?” at some undetermined time in the future when another search term used to find my website tickles my fancy.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the beard tickling sex too.


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